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Mount Pleasant Optimisation Project

Posted: 03.06.2022

The NSW Department of Planning and Environment has finalised its whole-of-government assessment of the proposed Mount Pleasant Optimisation Project (SSD 10418) and it has come to the Independent Planning Commission NSW for determination.

The Minister for Planning has requested that the Commission conduct a public hearing into the Project prior to determining the State Significant Development (SSD) application.

Commissioners Professor Alice Clark, Professor Chris Fell and Terry Bailey have been appointed to determine this SSD application. They will host a public hearing from 9am on Thursday 7 July 2022 and Friday 8 July 2022 to hear directly from community members. (Please note: The Commission has also tentatively set aside Monday 11 July 2022 to extend the public hearing to a third day should it be necessary).

The public hearing will be held wholly remotely by teleconference, with registered speakers presenting via telephone or videoconference.


How to Have Your Say

If you wish to apply to speak at the public hearing, you must complete the online ‘Speaker Registration Form’ by no later than 12pm AEST, Monday 27 June 2022. Registered speakers will be provided information on how to join the hearing and technical assistance will be available to help them prepare for the hearing.


How to watch the Hearing

This public hearing will be livestreamed on the Commission’s website:

We will also publish a transcript of the public hearing on the Commission’s website, in line with our transparency policy.

Please read our Public Hearing Guidelines for more information.


Written submissions

If you want to have your say on this project but cannot take part in the public hearing, you can submit your comments in writing to the Commission up to one week (seven days) after the conclusion of the public hearing. These can be submitted via email, post or our online portal:

For information about how to make a submission, please read our Public Submissions Guidelines.

The deadline for written submissions is 5pm AEST on Friday 15 July 2022.


Merit appeal rights

After this public hearing, no merit appeal may be brought under Division 8.3 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 in respect of any future decision made by the Commission as consent authority for this SSD application.


For more information

You can find the Department’s final assessment report and other relevant information on our website:

If you have any questions about the Commission’s decision-making process or how you can have your say, please contact us on (02) 9383 2100 or


Make a Submission

We recognise the importance of community participation in our decision-making process. Using our ‘Make a submission’ form is the easiest way for you to make a submission on cases currently before the Commission.

Make a Submission