Aboriginal Carbon Foundation ID 204987 redacted
Clarence Valley Conservation Coalition ID 204908 redacted
Softwoods Working Group ID 204177
South East Timber Association Inc ID 204660 redacted
Agsta Farm Forests ID 205267
Alanah Jeffries ID 204801
Alexander McDonald ID 204535
Alexandra Heron ID 205097
Alexandra Kalivodova ID 205274
Alison Thompson ID 204191
Amanda Midlam ID 204809 redacted
Ana Vidal Madrid ID 204772
Anastasia Guise ID 205246
Andrew McGlashan ID 204797
Animal Liberation ID 204137
Animals Australia ID 204088
Anna Johnstone ID 205189 redacted
Annette Gleeson ID 204254
Annette McKinley ID 205070
Aruna Manandhar ID 204579
Arvind Govindarajan ID 205326 redacted
Australia Conservative FundationGreat West Sydny Group ID 204279
Australian Climate and Biodiversity Foundation ID 205211 redacted
Australian Forest Products Association ID 204507 redacted
Australian for Animals ID e8
Australian Forest Contractors Association ID 205234
Australian Forest Products Association NSW ID 204544
Australian Forests and Climate Alliance ID 204784 redacted
Barbara Elliott ID 204235
Barry Hutchesson ID 204971 redacted
Bernadette Munsie ID 204476
Beverley Crossley ID 205123
Biodiversity Council ID e2
BirdLife Australia ID 204188
BirdLife Southern NSW ID 204483
Bluebat Pty Ltd ID 205337
Blueprint Institute ID 204160
Bob Brown Foundation ID 204701
Bradley Skinner ID 204639
Brendan Gleeson ID 205033 redacted
Brett OSullivan ID 204899
Brhiannon McDonagh 204391
Brian and Elly Baker ID 204442
Brian Crowther ID 204752 redacted
Brindley Buultjens ID 204133
Briony Magoffin ID 204737
Caldera Environment Centre ID 204706
Camille Ostrowsky ID 204575
Campbell Sawmills ID 204100
Catherine Connor ID 204225
Catherine DosbaThomson ID 204771
Catherine Jones ID 205003
Catherineq Eggert ID 204449
Cathy Lane ID 205002 redacted
Catrina Sturmberg ID 204883
Central West Forestry Industry Hub 205114
Chris Core ID 204614 redacted
Chris Kaczan ID 205121 redacted
Christina Hofmann ID 204630
Christine Becroft ID 204914
Christine Davey ID 204712
Christine Hannan ID 204586
Christine Smith ID 204560
Christopher Crump ID 205006 redacted
Christopher Sheed ID 204510
Clarence Environment Centre ID 205071 redacted
Claudine Von Niederhausern ID 204685
Climate Book Share ID 204372
Colleen Wysser Martin ID 204359
Conservation Ecologists Association ID 205134
Corrina Matthews ID 205016
Courtney Bright ID 205111 redacted
Craig Tracey McPherson ID 204962
Cristina de Belle ID 204427
Dale Meyers Operations ID 204205
Daniela Osiander ID 205102
Daniela Osiander ID 205266
Dave Rowe ID 204495 redacted
David Milledge ID 205156 redacted
Desnee McCosker ID 204767
Doug Turnbull ID 205045 redacted
Douglas Turnbull ID 204644
Dr Aidan Ricketts ID 205192
Dr Duncan Rouch ID 204192
Dr Suzanne Allen ID 204656
Edwina Laginestra ID 204995
Elizabeth OHara ID 204998
Ellie Robertson ID 204935
Environmental Voices ID 205233
Environmentally Concerned Citizens of Orange Inc ID 204927
Estelle Siddons ID 205027
Evalue8 Sustainability ID 204864 redacted
Felicity Briggs ID 204377
Felicity Crombach ID 205090
First Floors Australia Pty Ltd ID 204777
Forest Wood Communities Australia ID 205276
Forest Advocacy Ministry Committee ID 204906
Forest Ecology Alliance ID 205328
Forestry Australia ID 205131
Frances Fagan ID 204722 redacted
Francesca Stahlut ID 204339
Friends of Cudgen Nature Reserve Inc ID 204268
Friends of Kuringgai Environment Inc ID 205078
Friends of the Earth Australia ID 204145
Friends of the ForestMogo ID 204677
Gabrielle Griffin ID 204479
George Copeland ID 204804
Georgie Huxtable ID 205219
Georgina Meaton ID 205118
Georgina Spinaze ID 204620
Gillian Courtice ID 205200
Gillianne Tedder ID 204443
Giovanna Hounsell ID 204399
Glen Moller ID 204632 redacted
Gordon Wildlife Alliance ID 204841
Grace Callaghan ID 205254
Green Shareholders ID 204434
Greg Gill ID 204863 redacted
Hallidays Point Community Action Group ID 204825
Hayden Timbers Pty Ltd ID 205225
Helen Murray ID 205334 redacted
Helen Tyas Tunggal ID 204856
Hornsby Conservation Society ID 204445
Hunter Bird Observers Club Inc ID 205106 redacted
Hunter Wildlife Rescue ID 204822
Hurford Hardwood Kempsey ID 205036
Hurfords ID 204891 redacted
Ian Clarke ID 204594 redacted
Ian Manning ID 205292 redacted
International Fund for Animal Welfare ID 204136
Ironwood Australia ID 204401
Israel Vaughn ID 204929 redacted
Jacquie Trowell ID 204167
Jade Dewi Tyas Tunggal ID 204703
Jamax Forest Solutions ID 205281
James Alexander ID 204484
Jan Barham ID 205248 redacted
Janice Haviland ID 204667
Jayne Bentivoglio ID 204763
Jennifer JenkinsFlint ID 204833
Jennifer Maclean ID 204895
Jenny Cullen ID 205000 redacted
Jenny Fitzgibbon ID 204658
Jillian Alsford ID 204606
Jim Morrison ID 204503 redacted
Joan Wedgwood ID 204955 redacted
John Sigurd Muller ID 205182
Jonathan Sutton ID 205100
Joy Clements ID 204903 redacted
Joyce van Akkeren ID 205302
Judith Paterson ID 204691
Judy Dave Kelly ID 205195
Julie Taylor Mills ID 204107
Kalang River and Forest Alliance ID 205341
Karin von Strokirch ID 205320
Kate Marson ID 205120 redacted
Katherine Marchment ID 204612 redacted
Kevin Carter ID 205216 redacted
KLM koalalivesmatter ID 204309
KLM koalalivesmatter ID 204312
Knitting Nannas New England North West ID 205046
Koala Koalition EcoNetwork Port Stephens ID 204787
Koppers Performance Chemicals Australia Pty Ltd ID 204489
KPS Global Pty Limited ID 204711
Kristyn Haywood ID 204943
Kyogle Environment Group ID 204942
Kyogle Quakers Religious Society of Friends ID 205023 redacted
Linda Mc Donagh ID 205119
Lithgow Environment Group ID 204776
LM Hayter Sons Pty Ltd ID 204978 redacted
Lorraine Davies ID 204680
M A Smith Engineering NSW ID 205159 redacted
Mackenzie Roth ID 204514 redacted
Maddison Austen ID 204258
Mairead Naicker ID 204185
Manyana Matters Environmental Association Inc ID 204865
Marcela Triantafilo ID 205338
Margaret Fisher ID 204938
Margaret Mackinnon ID 204161
Marguerita Patrick ID 204687
Marianne Kearney ID 204287
MarieLouise Dreux ID 204812
Mariette Maclurcan ID 205213
Marion Riordan ID 205024 redacted
Mark Graham ID 205138 redacted
Mark Seemanpillai ID 204283
Marshall Notaras Hardwoods PTY LTD ID 205306 redacted
Martin Dorrough ID 205030
Martin Fallding ID 204564 redacted
Martin Mansfield ID 204704
Matthew Hopkins ID 204481
Melissa Musicka ID 205044
Meredith Stanton ID 205251
Michael BruceAllen ID 204480
Michael Charlton ID 204395
Michael Hollingworth ID 204486
Michael Pemberton ID 204990
Michael Whawell ID 204963
Michelle De Mol ID 205031
Michelle Griffiths ID 204615
Mick Everingham ID 204520
Mint Floors Shutters ID 205013
Miranda Coulson ID 205093
AlburyCity Council ID 204115
Name redacted ID 204602 redacted
Name redacted ID 204605 redacted
Name redacted ID 204618 redacted
Name redacted ID 204721 redacted
Name redacted ID 205051 redacted
Name redacted ID 205072 redacted
Name redacted ID 205318 redacted
Name redacted ID 205319 redacted
Nanette Nicholson ID 205245
Natalie Elliott ID 204236
Nathan Estreich ID 204492
National Parks Association Eurobodalla Branch ID 204982
National Parks Association of NSW Hunter Branch ID 205171 redacted
National Parks Association of NSW ID 204406
Nature Conservation Council of NSW ID 204441
Nicholas Summers ID 205187
Nicolas Rasmussen ID 204320
Nicole McGregor ID 205288
Nimbin Environment Centre Northern Rivers Guardians Inc ID 204124
North Coast Environment Council ID 205220
North Coast Environment Council Inc ID 204694
North East Forest Alliance ID 205081 redacted
North East NSW Regional Forestry Hub ID 205115
NSW Apiarists Association Inc ID 204907 redacted
NSW Farmers Association ID 204146
Patricia Saunders ID 204780
Philippa Cutter ID 205047
Quakers Central Coast ID 205026
Rachael Sorensen ID 205067
Ralph Blenkin ID 205015 redacted
Raymond MC Guinness ID 204509
Richard Grant ID 205005 redacted
Richard Horniblow ID 204991
Richard Standford ID 204526
Richard Stanford ID 204529
Robert Charley AO ID 205055
Robert Coenraads ID 204775
Roslyn Woodward ID 204939
Run For The Forests ID 204923
Ryde Community Alliance ID 205339
Ryde Hunters Hill Flora and Fauna Preservation Society ID 204340
Samantha Hessey ID 205305
Samuel Fletcher ID 205303 redacted
Sandra Chrrystall ID 204553
Sandra Lundbergs ID 204229
Sandra Shergill ID 204857
Save Balickera Incorporated ID 205299
Save Bulga Forest ID 205198 redacted
Save Wallum Inc ID 204482
Scott Mackenzie ID 204635
Shirley Fitzgerald ID 205004
Silvertop Logging Pty Ltd ID 205021 redacted
Simon Ceglinski ID 205153
Siobhan Housden ID 205087
South Coast Timber ID 204992
South East Forest Rescue ID 205116
Sporting Shooters Association of Australia Goulburn Branch ID 204937
Stephen Coughran ID 204104
Sue Bower ID 205022 redacted
Sunny Willoughby ID 204609
Susan Mylecharane ID 204944
Sustainable Forest Management ID 205167
Tableland Timbers ID 205285
Terrence Digwood ID 205135 redacted
The Bellingen Environment Centre ID 205130
The Friends of The Mongarlowe River ID 205183
The Wilderness Society ID 204917 redacted
TIG Investments Pty Ltd Trading as Super Forest Plantations ID 205014
Torsten Strokirch ID 205243
Uniting Eco Group ID 205188
Valerie Thompson ID 204876 redacted
Valley Watch Inc ID 205105
Vets for Climate Action ID 204869 redacted
Victor Batorijs ID 204179
Victor Ostrowsky ID 204551
Virgene LinkNew ID 204163
Virginia Young ID 204996 redacted
Visy Pulp and Paper ID 205132 redacted
Voice of Wallalong and Woodville ID 204244
Voices of Kuringgai ID 204770
Wendy Dahl ID 204452 redacted
Western Murray Land Improvement Group ID 204802
Wilderness Australia ID 204823
Wingham Forest Action ID 205193
Wolfgang Babeck ID 204904
Alastair Richardson ID 201316
Alison Crawford ID 201693
Alison Worthington ID 203786
Amber ForrestBisley ID 200888
Angelika Treichler ID 203425
AnneMarie Briggs ID 200194
Anthea Von Staerck ID 200064
Aquafern Pty Ltd ID 202292
Arbuthnot Sawmills Pty Ltd ID 203423
Aruna Manandhar ID 201130
Australian Academy of Science ID na
Australian Wildlife Society ID 201604
Australian Wildlife Society ID 203849
Australian Workers Union NSW Branch and CFMEU Manufacturing ID 204068
Barbara and Maureen Guthrie and Kingshott ID 203456
Barbara Winters ID 200188
Barham Roadhouse PTY LTD ID 203225 redacted
Bernard Griffin ID 202846
Beverley Ancuta ID 201464
Birgit Graefner ID 203617
Brian Byrne ID 202036 redacted
Brian Faithfull ID 203070
Brian Mason ID 203300 redacted
Bruce Harris ID 202248 redacted
Bulahdelah Haulage Pty Ltd ID 203226
Byron Hikers Club Inc ID 203040
Canberra Bushwalking Club ID 203363 redacted
Caroline Hoisington ID 203602
Caroline Svilla ID 201060
Caroline Svilla ID 202153
Cath Evangelista ID 202904
Catherine Macleod ID 204019
Catherine Turner ID 203076
Chris Degan ID 203657 redacted
Christians for Peace Newcastle ID 203245
Christina Martin ID 202190
Christine Oberstebrink ID 200724
Christopher Morkel ID 200043
Christopher Wilkie ID 202834
Coffs Harbour Hardwoods ID 202524
Dale Curtis ID 202561 redacted
Daniel McIntyre ID 203917
David Lindenmayer ID 202079
Delma Parker ID 201650 redacted
Derek Robertson ID 201079
Derek Robertson ID 201951
Donna Maria Manning ID 203670
Dr Lindsay Sharp ID 200007
Drs Kathy Terry White ID 202967
Dunstone Design Global Pty Ltd ID 203524
Ecocern Pty Ltd ID 202589 redacted
Edward Hills ID 202839 redacted
Elizabeth Elenius ID 203050
Elizabeth Gail Wyatt ID 203074 redacted
Elizabeth Honey ID 200226
Elizabeth Jones ID 200113
Elizabeth Milner ID 203967
Elizabeth Noble ID 203958
Elizabeth Weiss ID 200121
EmmaJean Williams ID 203383 redacted
Enacon Group Pty Ltd ID 202111
Essential Energy ID 203697
Felicity Oneill ID 199971
Fiona Robertson ID 201161
Frances Alexander ID 203851
Georgette Allen ID 203652
Georgia Douglas ID 204036 redacted
Georgina San Roque ID 201132
Geraldine Brooks ID 200127
Gerard WedderburnBisshop ID 202488
Gillian Reffell ID 199996
Gloucester Environment Group ID 199955
Graeme Batterbury ID 201185
Greg Hutchinson ID 204012
Greg Wimble ID 203661 redacted
Grit Schuster ID 204040 redacted
Gustav Green ID 203306 redacted
Hazel Richardson ID 201381
Helen Patricia Hayden ID 203782
Housing Industry Assocation ID 204049
Hunter Environment Lobby ID 200815
Ian Herscovitch ID 203943
Ingrid Portelli ID 202209
Jacinta Ferris ID 203476 redacted
Jacquelyn Dixon ID 200443
Jamie Parker ID 201997 redacted
Janet FairlieCuninghame ID 202523
Jeanette Hammett ID 202519
Jennifer Cuthbertson ID 200906
Jennifer Ditton ID 202953
Jennifer Gorringe ID 203919
Jennifer Watson ID 203108
Jill Stephenson ID 200203
Jimmy Thomas ID 203237 redacted
Jodie Nancarrow ID 202231
Joe Sparks ID 203461 redacted
John MacgregorSkinner ID 203500
John PBrowne Pty Ltd ID 203726
Jonathan Cassell ID 203472
Jonathan Temple ID 202684
Jonathan Wilkinson ID 204037
Joseph Fernandez ID 202999
Joseph Kielniacz ID 201196
Josephine Velte ID 201352
Joshua Jennings ID 200128
Judith Christie ID 202392
Judy Lambert ID 203288 redacted
Kai Jensen ID 202063 redacted
Kathleen MazeNeeley ID 203028
Katie Rasigatale ID 203432
Katrina Stomann ID 203474
Kerrie Humphreys ID 201380
Koppers Wood Product ID 200166 redacted
Kristyn Glanville ID 202198
Kuringgai Bat Conservation Society Inc ID 203968
Lawrence McCane ID 201067
Louise FowlerSmith ID 202443
Lubex Global ID 203435 redacted
Lynden Macgregor ID 203649
Marcus McSweeny ID 201271
Margaret Vaccari ID 202285
Marina Grassecker ID 201177
Mark ShieldsBrown ID 202958
Martine Holberton ID 201384
Martine Holberton ID 202982
Mary Jayne Johnston ID 200101
Mathias RogalaKoczorowski ID 201266
Matthew Hasemore ID 202807
McKinnells Pty Ltd ID 203833
Michael Bull ID 202078 redacted
Michael Edwards ID 203314
Michael Harewood ID 203126
Michael Mulholland ID 203635
Michael Sargent ID 202750
Michael Streatfeild ID 202644 Redacted
Michelle Imison ID 203953
Michelle Versluys ID 202274
Mitchell Trueman ID 203195
Nambucca Valley Conservation Association Inc NSW ID 202762
Name redacted ID 203272 redacted
Name redacted ID 203879 Redacted
Neville Holyoake ID 203975
Newells Creek Sawmilling Co ID 203364
Nicolas Casagrande ID 203566
Northern Beaches Childrens Therapies ID 202207
P T Lonergan Pty Ltd ID 203624
Parks and Leisure Australia NSW ACT ID 204024
Phillip Rattenbury ID 203983
Phoebe Torzillo ID 202263
Porteous Haulage Pty Ltd ID 204084
Potoroo Palace Native Animal Education Sanctuary ID 203627
Quentin Dresser ID 200700
Rachelle Sandow ID 202320
Rebecca Reynolds ID 201083
Rebecca Reynolds ID 203161
REEF Research Foundation ID 203865
Richard Barcham ID 202594
Richard Miller ID 202704 Redacted
Richard Stanford ID 200178
Richard Stanford ID 201068
Robert Greenwood ID 202115
Robert McLaughlin ID 203056
Robert Parkinson ID 202811
Robyn Camozzato ID 201233
Rosalie Goldsmith ID 203584
Rosalind Vaughan ID 203135
Rupert Macgregor ID 203643
Russell DessaixChin ID 200205
Sally Wilson ID 201342 redacted
Sascha De Keyzer ID 202220
Saskia Kouwenberg ID 203626
Save Bulga Forest ID 203103
Sebastian Bachler ID 204074
Selmar Nebelung ID 202491
Sharon Peterson ID 199963
Shire Climate Action Network Sutherland Shire ID 202559
South East Region Conservation Alliance ID 203427
Southcoast Health and Sustainability Alliance ID 203036
Susan Huddleston ID 203748
Susanne Gardiner ID 203760
Sydney Basin Koala Network ID 204018 redacted
Sydney Knitting Nannas and Friends ID 204026
Sylvie Constantine ID 202871
Tamworth Namoi Branch National Parks Assciation of NSW ID 202607
Tayla Williams ID 203384 redacted
Terence Buttsworth ID 201159
The Carbon Store Pty Ltd ID 204057
The Pentarch Group ID 203999
Thomas Driftwood ID 204061
Timothy Carroll ID 201119
Tobias Dalgeish Parker ID 202932
Todd Gelletly ID 203780 redacted
Tracey Hamilton ID 202028
Tracy Brennan ID 203492 redacted
Valerie Sifflet ID 202686
Vicki Sloane ID 203540 redacted
Vincent Phillips ID 198524
Weathertex Pty Ltd ID 203475
Wesley Clifford ID 203747
William Douglas ID 202543
Yvonne Lollback ID 201207