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The Independent Forestry Panel was established to engage with stakeholders to inform the development of the Forestry Industry Action Plan by the NSW Government.

Case Category
Forestry Industry Action Plan
Page last updated
Commissioner (Panel Chair)
Yet to be nominated
Other Commissioners
Yet to be nominated
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The Panel is comprised of Peter Duncan AM (Chair), Professor Mary O’Kane AC and the Hon. Mick Veitch.
The Panel opened a public submission period on 12 September 2024, which closed on 13 October 2024. The Panel has now provided its stakeholder consultation report to Government.

Although the Independent Planning Commission itself is not involved in this matter, the Office of the Independent Planning Commission provided secretariat support to the Independent Forestry Panel.

Click here to see the NSW Government’s announcement of the Panel

Case Status: Report provided
Referral received: 26/08/2024

Key Dates

12 Sep 2024
Submissions open
13 Oct 2024
Submissions close


Independent Forestry Panel_biographies
241022 Independent Forestry Panel Transparency Statement
Independent Forestry Panel_submission procedures
Qualitative research process
Letter from the Panel inviting information
Letter from the EPA with an overview and table of documents
1 NSW Forestry Snapshot Report 2020 to 2021
2 NSW Forestry Snapshot Report 2019 to 2020
3 NSW Forestry Snapshot Report 2018 to 2019
4 NSW State of the Environment 2021
5 NSW State of the Environment 2018
7 NSW Forest Monitoring and Improvement Program Insights for NSW
8 Risks to the NSW Coastal Integrated Forestry Operations Approvals
10 Review of CIFOA Mitigation Conditions for Timber Harvesting
11 Impacts of changing fire regimes on hollowbearing trees
12 Adapting the Tasmanian forest practices system to climate change
13 Summary of scientific expert feedback on the potential impact
14 The carbon cost of the 2019 to 20 Australian fires
15 Multidecadal increase of forest burned area in Australia
16 Limits to postfire vegetation recovery under climate change
17 Increased extreme fire weather occurrence in southeast Australia
18 Seamless climate change projections and seasonal predictions
19 Tree hollows and forest stand structure in Australian
21 Climate change risks for forests
22 Substantial and increasing global losses of timberproducing forest due to wildfires
23 A call to reduce the carbon costs of forest harvest
24 Net carbon accounting and reporting are a barrier to understanding the mitigation value of forest
25 The carbon costs of global wood harvests
26 Under what circumstances do wood products from native forests benefit climate change mitigation
27 Accounting for biomass carbon stock change due to wildfire in temperate forest landscapes in Aust
28 Trophic rewilding can expand natural climate solutions
29 Carbon emissions and power poles
31 Summary of predicted versus actual timber volumes based on the FCNSW Sustainability Report 202223
34 Community perceptions of Australias forest wood and paper industries
35 Literature review for greater glider protections
Letter from the Panel inviting information
Document response from Forestry Corporation of NSW
Letter from the Panel inviting information
DPI Scientific Research on Biodiversity in NSW Forests
Kelty 2006_The role of species mixtures in plantation forestry
Lui et al 2018_Mixedspecies versus monocultures in plantation forestry
Nichols et al 2006_Mixedspecies plantations Prospects and challenges
Recent Ecological Studies in NSW
Slade Law 2016Informal forest reserves


Date and time
10:00 AM Mon 14 October 2024
Meeting documents
Briefing presentation_Carbon
Briefing presentation_Ecological sustainability
Briefing presentation_Forest health and biosecurity
Briefing presentations from the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development to the Panel have been published in line with the Independent Forestry Panel's Transparency Statement
Date and time
12:00 PM Wed 16 October 2024
Meeting documents
Meeting transcripts
Panel presentation
Letter to MPs and MLCs from Panel
Letter from Dr ONeil MP
Letter response to Dr ONeil MP

The Panel invited all Members of the Legislative Assembly and Members of the Legislative Council to meet with the Panel at Parliament House during the afternoon of 16 October 2024.

MP and MLC meeting attendees:

16 October 2024 (Room 814 Parliament House)
Sue Higginson MLC, The Greens
Jeremy Buckingham MLC, Legalise Cannabis Party
Robert Borsak MLC, Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party; Michael Kemp MP, Nationals (Member for Oxley)
Richie Williamson MP, Nationals (Member for Clarence); Tanya Thompson MP, Nationals (Member for Myall Lakes)
Mark Buttigieg MLC, Labor; Dr Michael Holland MP (Member for Bega), Labor; Stephen Lawrence MLC, Labor

14 October 2024 (online)
Dr Joseph McGirr, Independent (Member for Wagga Wagga)

A background presentation from the Independent Forestry Panel and a transcript of a number of meetings between members of the Panel and Members of Parliament and Members of the Legislative Council have now been published. Consistent with the Independent Forestry Panel's
Transparency Statement, some parts of the Panel's discussions with parliamentarians at this forum have not been published or have been redacted in part.
Date and time
9:30 AM Thu 17 October 2024
Meeting documents
Meeting transcript
Letter redacted
Interim logging protections map

Stakeholder attendees:

Justin Field, Forest Alliance NSW
Dr Stuart Blanch, World Wildlife Fund for Nature - Australia
Susie Russell, North Coast Environment Council
Dr Brad Smith, Nature Conservation Council of NSW

A transcript of this stakeholder meeting has been made available in line with the Independent Forestry Panel's
Transparency Statement
Date and time
1:00 PM Thu 24 October 2024
Meeting documents
Briefing presentation
A briefing presentation from the Natural Resources Commission to the Panel has been published in line with the Independent Forestry Panel's Transparency Statement
Date and time
3:00 PM Thu 24 October 2024
Meeting documents
2017 publication
2022 publication
Meeting transcript redacted
Stakeholder attendee:
Professor David Lindenmayer

A transcript of this stakeholder meeting
has been made available in line with the Independent Forestry Panel's Transparency Statement. Professor Lindenmayer also provided the Panel with two relevant publications following the meeting. 
Date and time
4:00 PM Thu 24 October 2024
Meeting documents
Meeting transcript

Stakeholder attendees:
Softwoods Working Group:
Peter Crowe 
Ambrose Glass
Jake Lazarus 
Dean Hawkins 
Katie Fowden  
Rab Green 
Kristina Kaminski 
Bill Hurditch 
Carlie Porteous


A transcript of this stakeholder meeting has been made available in line with the Independent Forestry Panel's Transparency Statement.

Date and time
12:00 PM Fri 25 October 2024
Meeting documents
Meeting transcript
Stakeholder attendees:
Andrew Hurford, Timber NSW
Maree McCaskill, Timber NSW
Stuart Coppock, Timber NSW
Nick Cameron, NE NSW Forestry Hub

A transcript of this stakeholder meeting has been made available in line with the Independent Forestry Panel's
Transparency Statement
Date and time
8:00 AM Fri 01 November 2024
Meeting documents
Briefing presentation
A briefing presentation from Local Land Services to the Panel has been published in line with the Independent Forestry Panel's Transparency Statement
Date and time
11:00 AM Fri 01 November 2024
Meeting documents
Meeting transcript
2021 publication

Stakeholder attendees:
Alison Rudman
Tony Callinan
Emanuelle Risoldi

A transcript of this stakeholder meeting
has been made available in line with the Independent Forestry Panel's Transparency Statement. CFMEU also provided the Panel with a relevant 2021 publication following the meeting.
Date and time
12:00 PM Fri 01 November 2024
Meeting documents
Meeting transcript
Further comments Dr Ben Moore

Stakeholder attendees:

Oliver Costello

Professor Carolyn Hogg

Dr Leesa Keogh

Associate Professor Ben Moore

Dr Martin Predavec

Dr Darren Saunders

A transcript of this stakeholder meeting
has been made available in line with the Independent Forestry Panel's Transparency StatementFurther material from Dr Moore were also provided the Panel following the meeting.
Date and time
3:00 PM Wed 06 November 2024
Meeting documents
Meeting transcript

Stakeholder attendees:
Dr Ken Henry
Warwick Jordan
Lyndon Schneiders
Amit Singh
Dr Jun Tong

A transcript of this stakeholder meeting has been made available in line with the Independent Forestry Panel's Transparency Statement.

Date and time
4:00 PM Wed 06 November 2024
Meeting documents
Meeting transcript
Speaking notes Ms Orrego
Speaking notes Mr Pugh

Stakeholder attendees:
Lyn Orrego
Andrew Murray
Dailan Pugh

A transcript of this stakeholder meeting has been made available in line with the Independent Forestry Panel's Transparency Statement. Participant speaking notes were also provided the Panel following the meeting.
Date and time
12:30 PM Fri 08 November 2024
Meeting documents
South Coast Timber images
Stakeholder attendees:
Damien Bunting

A transcript of this stakeholder meeting has been made available in line with the Independent Forestry Panel's Transparency Statement. Photographs and a video that were presented at the meeting have also been made available.  
Date and time
1:45 PM Fri 08 November 2024
Meeting documents
Meeting transcript
Stakeholder attendees:
Anthony Dorney
Marius Heymann

A transcript of this stakeholder meeting
has been made available in line with the Independent Forestry Panel's Transparency Statement.
Date and time
3:00 PM Fri 08 November 2024
Meeting documents
Meeting transcript

Stakeholder attendees:
Stephen Dadd
Malcolm McComb
James Jooste
Shane Vicary

A transcript of this stakeholder meeting
has been made available in line with the Independent Forestry Panel's Transparency Statement.

Date and time
Meeting documents
241022 Independent Forestry Panel Transparency Statement
The Panel aims to be as transparent with the public as possible about its process and the information it considers, noting that this transparency must be balanced with other important considerations. The Panel’s Transparency Statement includes information about these considerations and measures in place to support transparency in stakeholder meetings and internal briefings.

Public Submissions

Aboriginal Carbon Foundation ID 204987 redacted
Adam Gibson ID 204637
Annie Mcgovern OAM ID e9
Clarence Valley Conservation Coalition ID 204908 redacted
John Raison ID 204714
Peter Sobey ID 204005
Softwoods Working Group ID 204177
South East Timber Association Inc ID 204660 redacted
Sue Higginson MLC ID E11
Adele Whyte ID 204523
Adiran Boag ID 204246
Adrienne Hunt ID 203769
Adrienne Shilling ID na
Agsta Farm Forests ID 205267
Aiden Thompson ID 203737
Al Virtue ID 204945
Alan Guthrie ID 204842
Alan Tarlinton ID 204440
Alanah Jeffries ID 204801
Alexander McDonald ID 204535
Alexandra Heron ID 205097
Alexandra Kalivodova ID 205274
Alicia Palmer ID 205151
Alison Blazey ID 204782
Alison Heeley ID 205261
Alison Thompson ID 204191
Amanda Midlam ID 204809 redacted
Amber Hall ID 204898
Amy Cramer ID 205343
Ana Vidal Madrid ID 204772
Anastasia Guise ID 205246
Andre Joanisse ID 204581
Andrew Bell ID 204119
Andrew Douglas ID 204223
Andrew McGlashan ID 204797
Andy Putnam ID 204750
Ane Bingham ID 205324
Angela Bennett ID 204548
Angela Earth ID 205101
Animal Liberation ID 204137
Animals Australia ID 204088
Anna Johnstone ID 205189 redacted
Anne Reeves ID 205228
Annette Gleeson ID 204254
Annette McKinley ID 205070
Annie Marlow ID 205010
Annie Mason ID 204478
Antony Wood ID 205214
Aruna Manandhar ID 204579
Arvind Govindarajan ID 205326 redacted
Asia Lenard ID 205011
Australia Conservative FundationGreat West Sydny Group ID 204279
Australian Climate and Biodiversity Foundation ID 205211 redacted
Australian Forest Products Association ID 204507 redacted
Australian for Animals ID e8
Australian Forest Contractors Association ID 205234
Australian Forest Products Association NSW ID 204544
Australian Forests and Climate Alliance ID 204784 redacted
Barbara Elliott ID 204235
Barbara Lyons ID 205038
Barry Hutchesson ID 204971 redacted
Ben Olsen ID 204114
Ben Osborne ID 204249
Ben Stainer ID 205117
Bernadette Munsie ID 204476
Bev Dick ID 204555
Beverley Crossley ID 205123
Biodiversity Council ID e2
BirdLife Australia ID 204188
BirdLife Southern NSW ID 204483
Bluebat Pty Ltd ID 205337
Blueprint Institute ID 204160
Bob Brown Foundation ID 204701
Boyd Hore ID 204380
Bradley Skinner ID 204639
Brendan Gleeson ID 205033 redacted
Brett OSullivan ID 204899
Brhiannon McDonagh 204391
Brian and Elly Baker ID 204442
Brian Crowther ID 204752 redacted
Brigid Dowsett ID 204897
Brindley Buultjens ID 204133
Briony Magoffin ID 204737
Bronwen Hanna ID 204650
Bronwyn Vost ID 204642
Bruce McQueen ID 205301
Business NSW ID e3
Caitlin Hockey ID 204294
Caldera Environment Centre ID 204706
Camille Ostrowsky ID 204575
Campbell Sawmills ID 204100
Carmel Elson ID 204681
Carole Dixon ID 204959
Catherin Dunk ID 204723
Catherine Connor ID 204225
Catherine DosbaThomson ID 204771
Catherine Jones ID 205003
Catherineq Eggert ID 204449
Cathy Gill ID 204655
Cathy Griff ID 204816
Cathy Lane ID 205002 redacted
Catrina Sturmberg ID 204883
Celine Massa ID 204638
Central West Forestry Industry Hub 205114
Cheryl Dillon ID 205264
Chloe Follett ID 205008
Chris Core ID 204614 redacted
Chris Cullen ID 205199
Chris Eastaugh ID 205317
Chris Forbes ID 204305
Chris Kaczan ID 205121 redacted
Chris Kowal ID 204628
Chris Mein ID 204170
Christina Hofmann ID 204630
Christine Becroft ID 204914
Christine Davey ID 204712
Christine Hannan ID 204586
Christine Smith ID 204560
Christopher Crump ID 205006 redacted
Christopher Sheed ID 204510
Clare Rourke ID 205172
Clarence Environment Centre ID 205071 redacted
Claudine Von Niederhausern ID 204685
Climate Book Share ID 204372
Clive West ID 204245
Col Shephard ID 205165
Colleen Wysser Martin ID 204359
Conservation Ecologists Association ID 205134
Corey Skinner ID 204641
Corrina Matthews ID 205016
Courtney Bright ID 205111 redacted
Craig Tracey McPherson ID 204962
Cristina de Belle ID 204427
Cynthia Brook ID 204616
Dale Meyers Operations ID 204205
Damon Brearley ID 205084
Dan Vickers ID 204164
Daniel Berg ID 204253
Daniel Johnson ID 205127
Daniela Osiander ID 205102
Daniela Osiander ID 205266
Dave Rowe ID 204495 redacted
David Baker ID 204760
David Carr ID 205207
David Clarke ID 204349
David Cooke ID 204852
David Dawson ID 205075
David Gallan ID 204335
David Milledge ID 205156 redacted
David Simons ID 204276
Deborah Mohr ID 205277
Deborah Segal ID 205333
Deborah Sharp ID 204319
Debra Little ID 205007
Dena Harris ID 204651
Denise Alison ID 204420
Denise Payne ID 204209
Desnee McCosker ID 204767
Diana Combe ID 204930
Diane Hansen ID 205230
Dominic Giblin ID 205079
Donald White ID 204407
Dorin Suciu ID 204598
Doug Turnbull ID 205045 redacted
Douglas Turnbull ID 204644
Dr Aidan Ricketts ID 205192
Dr Duncan Rouch ID 204192
Dr Suzanne Allen ID 204656
Dragan Wright ID 204859
EDO ID e6 redacted
Edwina Laginestra ID 204995
Elizabeth Boyd ID 204545
Elizabeth Eyre ID 205290
Elizabeth OHara ID 204998
Elizabeth Ward ID 205325
Ellie Robertson ID 204935
Emma Briggs ID 204698
Environmental Voices ID 205233
Environmentally Concerned Citizens of Orange Inc ID 204927
Erin Sleeth ID 204336
Ernie Marton ID 205174
Estelle Siddons ID 205027
Evalue8 Sustainability ID 204864 redacted
FEDC ID 205052 redacted
Felicity Briggs ID 204377
Felicity Crombach ID 205090
Felicity Davis ID 204675
Fiona Bennett ID 204627
Fiona McCuaig ID 205103
Fiona Preston ID 204741
Fiona Woodcock ID 205048
First Floors Australia Pty Ltd ID 204777
Forest Wood Communities Australia ID 205276
Forest Advocacy Ministry Committee ID 204906
Forest Ecology Alliance ID 205328
Forestry Australia ID 205131
Frances Fagan ID 204722 redacted
Francesca Stahlut ID 204339
Friends of Cudgen Nature Reserve Inc ID 204268
Friends of Kuringgai Environment Inc ID 205078
Friends of the Earth Australia ID 204145
Friends of the ForestMogo ID 204677
Gabrielle Griffin ID 204479
Gaela Hurford ID 205295
Garry Lyford ID 205197
Garth Smith ID 204654
Gayna Turnbull ID 205083
Gemma McDonald ID 204533
Geoff Shannon ID 204308
George Copeland ID 204804
Georgie Huxtable ID 205219
Georgie Ross ID 204297
Georgina Meaton ID 205118
Georgina Spinaze ID 204620
Gillian Courtice ID 205200
Gillianne Tedder ID 204443
Giovanna Hounsell ID 204399
Glen Charlton ID 204392
Glen Moller ID 204632 redacted
Glenn Barry ID 204831
Godfrey Davies ID 204338
Gordon Wildlife Alliance ID 204841
Grace Callaghan ID 205254
Graeme Carrad ID 204881
Graeme Palmer ID 204381
Green Shareholders ID 204434
Greg Gill ID 204863 redacted
Gregory Hall ID 205273
Guy Dutson ID 204956
Hallidays Point Community Action Group ID 204825
Hayden Timbers Pty Ltd ID 205225
Heather Gray ID 204732
Heidi Lincoln ID 204496
Heidi McElnea ID 205256
Helen Kvelde ID 204735
Helen Murray ID 205334 redacted
Helen Tyas Tunggal ID 204856
Helene Garrett ID 204103
Hilary Green ID 205094
Hornsby Conservation Society ID 204445
Hugh Milner ID 204275
Hunter Bird Observers Club Inc ID 205106 redacted
Hunter Wildlife Rescue ID 204822
Hurford Hardwood Kempsey ID 205036
Hurfords ID 204891 redacted
Ian Clarke ID 204594 redacted
Ian Cohen ID 204964
Ian Dunwoodie ID 205064
Ian Manning ID 205292 redacted
International Fund for Animal Welfare ID 204136
Ironwood Australia ID 204401
Isabel Clarke ID 205043
Israel Vaughn ID 204929 redacted
Jacinta Mason ID 204649
Jack Miller ID 204243
Jacquelyn Tan ID 205322
Jacquie Trowell ID 204167
Jade Baggins ID 204918
Jade Dewi Tyas Tunggal ID 204703
Jak Dobbyns ID 205278
Jamax Forest Solutions ID 205281
James Alexander ID 204484
James Barrie ID 204848
James Clark ID 204293
James Mahoney ID 204909
James Rourke ID 205186
James Vicars ID 204625
Jan Ardill ID 204808
Jan Barham ID 205248 redacted
Jan Kendall ID 204446
Jan OLeary ID 204342
Jane Gibian ID 204887
Jane Theau ID 204738
Jane Watson ID 204743
Janeen Scully ID 204499
Janice Haviland ID 204667
Janine Kitson ID 205034
Jarra Hicks ID 205001
Jason Glasson ID 204633
Jayne Bentivoglio ID 204763
Jennifer JenkinsFlint ID 204833
Jennifer Maclean ID 204895
Jenny Cottle ID 204267
Jenny Cullen ID 205000 redacted
Jenny Fitzgibbon ID 204658
Jeremy Bradley ID 204466
Jeremy Tager ID 204491
Jessica Perini ID 204713
Jeudi Croker ID 204789
Jill Hartley ID 204151
Jillian Alsford ID 204606
Jim Morrison ID 204503 redacted
Jim Rankin ID 204255
Jo Hobson ID 204455
Joan Wedgwood ID 204955 redacted
Joanne MacLean ID 204289
Jodie Armytage ID 204569
John Blay ID 204755
John Blyth ID 204374
John Brentnall ID 205275
John Corker ID 204206
John Courcier ID 204532
John Edwards ID 204384
John Inshaw ID 204659
John McPherson ID 205041
John ODonnell ID 204358
John Sigurd Muller ID 205182
John Simon ID 204547
John Smith ID 205321
Jonathan Sutton ID 205100
Joshua Gowers ID 204193
Joy Clements ID 204903 redacted
Joy Scott ID 204844
Joyce van Akkeren ID 205302
Judith Bourne ID 204709
Judith Kirwood ID 205112
Judith Paterson ID 204691
Judy Dave Kelly ID 205195
Julian Sayyadi ID 204946
Julie Bartley ID 204324
Julie Lyford ID 205190
Julie Taylor Mills ID 204107
Justine Dodd ID 205307
Kalang River and Forest Alliance ID 205341
Karen Hodder ID 204617
Karen Punton ID 204424
Karen Shepard ID 204347
Karin Hagen ID 204845
Karin von Strokirch ID 205320
Kate Marson ID 205120 redacted
Kate Tarrant ID 204323
Katherine Marchment ID 204612 redacted
Kellee Coe ID 204487
Ken Sewell ID 204619
Kerrie Bruce ID 204519
Kevin Carter ID 205216 redacted
Kevin Collins ID 204134
Kevin Dean ID 204580
Kevin Harding ID 205241
Kim Gambrill ID 204968
Kim Gollan ID 204566
Kim Smart ID 204300
Kim Stephan ID 204961
Kiz Allen ID 204525
KLM koalalivesmatter ID 204309
KLM koalalivesmatter ID 204312
Knitting Nannas New England North West ID 205046
Koala Koalition EcoNetwork Port Stephens ID 204787
Koppers Performance Chemicals Australia Pty Ltd ID 204489
KPS Global Pty Limited ID 204711
Kristyn Haywood ID 204943
Kym Kilpatrick ID 204988
Kyogle Environment Group ID 204942
Kyogle Quakers Religious Society of Friends ID 205023 redacted
Laura Mooney ID 205315
Laura Roth ID 204534
Leanne George ID 205099
Lee Kirkland ID 204422
Les Inwood ID 204718
Liam McDonagh ID 204515
Linda Gill ID 205096
Linda Mc Donagh ID 205119
Lindy Hamilton ID 204125
Lindy Stacker ID 204132
Lisa Romano ID 204213
Lisa Sandstrom ID 204622
Lithgow Environment Group ID 204776
LM Hayter Sons Pty Ltd ID 204978 redacted
Lorraine Davies ID 204680
Lorren Hill ID 204924
Lucia Smith ID 204860
Lulu Balbi ID 205161
Lyn Orrego ID 204573
Lyndal Breen ID 204208
M A Smith Engineering NSW ID 205159 redacted
Mackenzie Roth ID 204514 redacted
Maddison Austen ID 204258
Mairead Naicker ID 204185
Mandala Diehl ID 204682
Manyana Matters Environmental Association Inc ID 204865
Marcela Triantafilo ID 205338
Mardi Zylstra ID 204762
Marg Mclean ID 204287
Margaret Brace ID 204357
Margaret Fisher ID 204938
Margaret Green ID 204786
Margaret Mackinnon ID 204161
Marguerita Patrick ID 204687
Maria Lloyd ID 204810
Maria Soria ID 204952
Marianne Kearney ID 204287
Marie Healy ID 204585
Marie Quigg ID 204474
MarieLouise Dreux ID 204812
Mariette Maclurcan ID 205213
Mariola Wierna ID 204542
Marion Riordan ID 205024 redacted
Mark Graham ID 205138 redacted
Mark Merritt ID 204983
Mark Ritchie ID 204556
Mark Seemanpillai ID 204283
Marshall Notaras Hardwoods PTY LTD ID 205306 redacted
Martin Derby ID 204664
Martin Dorrough ID 205030
Martin Fallding ID 204564 redacted
Martin Mansfield ID 204704
Mary Forbes ID 204418
Mary Yule ID 204226
Maryann Lees ID 204697
Matthew Bailey ID 204364
Matthew Hopkins ID 204481
Matthew Lee ID 205253
Maxine Ross ID 205208
Meg K Nielsen ID 204546
Megan Ahern ID 205154
Megan Hyatt ID 205025
Melissa Musicka ID 205044
Meredith Stanton ID 205251
Mevagh Clarke ID 204934
Mia Cassidy ID 205147
Michael BruceAllen ID 204480
Michael Burns ID 204343
Michael Charlton ID 204395
Michael Combe ID 205296
Michael Hollingworth ID 204486
Michael Pemberton ID 204990
Michael Whawell ID 204963
Michelle De Mol ID 205031
Michelle Griffiths ID 204615
Mick Everingham ID 204520
Mint Floors Shutters ID 205013
Miranda Coulson ID 205093
MM Timbers ID 204429
Nadia Leppert ID 204744
Name redacted ID 204092
Name redacted ID 204096
Name redacted ID 204101
Name redacted ID 204102
Name redacted ID 204108
Name redacted ID 204109
AlburyCity Council ID 204115
Name redacted ID 204117
Name redacted ID 204126
Name redacted ID 204130
Name redacted ID 204153
Name redacted ID 204155
Name redacted ID 204156
Name redacted ID 204166
Name redacted ID 204178
Name redacted ID 204187
Name redacted ID 204224
Name redacted ID 204232
Name redacted ID 204240
Name redacted ID 204242
Name redacted ID 204251
Name redacted ID 204256
Name redacted ID 204266
Name redacted ID 204269
Name redacted ID 204270
Name redacted ID 204280
Name redacted ID 204285
Name redacted ID 204288
Name redacted ID 204292
Name redacted ID 204301
Name redacted ID 204311
Name redacted ID 204317
Name redacted ID 204318
Name redacted ID 204328
Name redacted ID 204329
Name redacted ID 204345
Name redacted ID 204348
Name redacted ID 204351
Name redacted ID 204353
Name redacted ID 204363
Name redacted ID 204376
Name redacted ID 204397
Name redacted ID 204400
Name redacted ID 204408
Name redacted ID 204415
Name redacted ID 204417
Name redacted ID 204423
Name redacted ID 204425
Name redacted ID 204426
Name redacted ID 204432
Name redacted ID 204433
Name redacted ID 204435
Name redacted ID 204439
Name redacted ID 204447
Name redacted ID 204448
Name redacted ID 204458
Name redacted ID 204471
Name redacted ID 204485
Name redacted ID 204490
Name redacted ID 204498
Name redacted ID 204500
Name redacted ID 204506
Name redacted ID 204508
Name redacted ID 204512
Name redacted ID 204516
Name redacted ID 204518
Name redacted ID 204522
Name redacted ID 204527
Name redacted ID 204528
Name redacted ID 204530
Name redacted ID 204536
Name redacted ID 204538
Name redacted ID 204543
Name redacted ID 204549
Name redacted ID 204552
Name redacted ID 204558
Name redacted ID 204559
Name redacted ID 204563
Name redacted ID 204567
Name redacted ID 204577
Name redacted ID 204583
Name redacted ID 204587
Name redacted ID 204588
Name redacted ID 204590
Name redacted ID 204595
Name redacted ID 204596
Name redacted ID 204600
Name redacted ID 204602 redacted
Name redacted ID 204603
Name redacted ID 204605 redacted
Name redacted ID 204610
Name redacted ID 204611
Name redacted ID 204613
Name redacted ID 204618 redacted
Name redacted ID 204646
Name redacted ID 204647
Name redacted ID 204648
Name redacted ID 204652
Name redacted ID 204662
Name redacted ID 204663
Name redacted ID 204666
Name redacted ID 204668
Name redacted ID 204673
Name redacted ID 204688
Name redacted ID 204689
Name redacted ID 204690
Name redacted ID 204699
Name redacted ID 204705
Name redacted ID 204707
Name redacted ID 204708
Name redacted ID 204710
Name redacted ID 204715
Name redacted ID 204721 redacted
Name redacted ID 204724
Name redacted ID 204725
Name redacted ID 204726
Name redacted ID 204727
Name redacted ID 204730
Name redacted ID 204733
Name redacted ID 204734
Name redacted ID 204747
Name redacted ID 204751
Name redacted ID 204756
Name redacted ID 204757
Name redacted ID 204758
Name redacted ID 204761
Name redacted ID 204773
Name redacted ID 204774
Name redacted ID 204778
Name redacted ID 204779
Name redacted ID 204781
Name redacted ID 204783
Name redacted ID 204785
Name redacted ID 204794
Name redacted ID 204796
Name redacted ID 204798
Name redacted ID 204806
Name redacted ID 204811
Name redacted ID 204817
Name redacted ID 204820
Name redacted ID 204821
Name redacted ID 204826
Name redacted ID 204829
Name redacted ID 204832
Name redacted ID 204835
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Name redacted ID 204850
Name redacted ID 204853
Name redacted ID 204854
Name redacted ID 204868
Name redacted ID 204871
Name redacted ID 204872
Name redacted ID 204873
Name redacted ID 204879
Name redacted ID 204886
Name redacted ID 204888
Name redacted ID 204890
Name redacted ID 204894
Name redacted ID 204902
Name redacted ID 204910
Name redacted ID 204915
Name redacted ID 204926
Name redacted ID 204931
Name redacted ID 204940
Name redacted ID 204947
Name redacted ID 204949
Name redacted ID 204951
Name redacted ID 204954
Name redacted ID 204958
Name redacted ID 204960
Name redacted ID 204965
Name redacted ID 204967
Name redacted ID 204970
Name redacted ID 204974
Name redacted ID 204975
Name redacted ID 204977
Name redacted ID 204979
Name redacted ID 204984
Name redacted ID 204994
Name redacted ID 205012
Name redacted ID 205019
Name redacted ID 205020
Name redacted ID 205029
Name redacted ID 205035
Name redacted ID 205037
Name redacted ID 205049
Name redacted ID 205050
Name redacted ID 205051 redacted
Name redacted ID 205053
Name redacted ID 205065
Name redacted ID 205072 redacted
Name redacted ID 205074
Name redacted ID 205077
Name redacted ID 205080
Name redacted ID 205098
Name redacted ID 205108
Name redacted ID 205113
Name redacted ID 205129
Name redacted ID 205133
Name redacted ID 205136
Name redacted ID 205137
Name redacted ID 205139
Name redacted ID 205140
Name redacted ID 205143
Name redacted ID 205149
Name redacted ID 205150
Name redacted ID 205158
Name redacted ID 205160
Name redacted ID 205166
Name redacted ID 205168
Name redacted ID 205169
Name redacted ID 205173
Name redacted ID 205175
Name redacted ID 205184
Name redacted ID 205185
Name redacted ID 205191
Name redacted ID 205194
Name redacted ID 205201
Name redacted ID 205203
Name redacted ID 205210
Name redacted ID 205212
Name redacted ID 205215
Name redacted ID 205218
Name redacted ID 205223
Name redacted ID 205224
Name redacted ID 205229
Name redacted ID 205231
Name redacted ID 205238
Name redacted ID 205242
Name redacted ID 205244
Name redacted ID 205249
Name redacted ID 205250
Name redacted ID 205252
Name redacted ID 205255
Name redacted ID 205257
Name redacted ID 205258
Name redacted ID 205259
Name redacted ID 205262
Name redacted ID 205265
Name redacted ID 205268
Name redacted ID 205269
Name redacted ID 205282
Name redacted ID 205284
Name redacted ID 205286
Name redacted ID 205289
Name redacted ID 205293
Name redacted ID 205294
Name redacted ID 205297
Name redacted ID 205300
Name redacted ID 205308
Name redacted ID 205310
Name redacted ID 205311
Name redacted ID 205313
Name redacted ID 205314
Name redacted ID 205316
Name redacted ID 205318 redacted
Name redacted ID 205319 redacted
Name redacted ID 205329
Name redacted ID 205330
Name redacted ID 205331
Name redacted ID 205335
Name redacted ID 205336
Name redacted ID e4
Name redacted ID na
Name redacted ID na2
Nancy Pallin ID 204118
Nanette Nicholson ID 205245
Naomi Hogan ID 205236
Naomi Shine ID 205061
Natalie Elliott ID 204236
Nathan Estreich ID 204492
National Parks Association Eurobodalla Branch ID 204982
National Parks Association of NSW Hunter Branch ID 205171 redacted
National Parks Association of NSW ID 204406
Nature Conservation Council of NSW ID 204441
Nicholas Summers ID 205187
Nicola Kennedy ID 205179
Nicolas Pascal ID 204302
Nicolas Rasmussen ID 204320
Nicole Luhrs ID 204880
Nicole McGregor ID 205288
Nik Midlam ID 204766
Nimbin Environment Centre Northern Rivers Guardians Inc ID 204124
Noel Hart ID 204557
North Coast Environment Council ID 205220
North Coast Environment Council Inc ID 204694
North East Forest Alliance ID 205081 redacted
North East NSW Regional Forestry Hub ID 205115
NSW Apiarists Association Inc ID 204907 redacted
NSW Farmers Association ID 204146
NSW Nationals ID 205032
Olivia Hadley ID 204684
Olivia Katz ID 204157
Oriel Paterson ID 204790
Osman Topatan ID 204948
Owen Gardiner ID 204805
Pano AI ID 204925
Patricia Mann ID 204686
Patricia Saunders ID 204780
Patti Jacobs ID 204640
Paul Aylward ID 204214
Paul Jones ID 205095
Paul Thompson ID e7
Paula Morrow ID 204463
Penelope Short ID 204919
Perlin Earth ID 205125
Peter Carter ID 204574
Peter Cooper ID 205263
Peter Enge ID 205040
Peter Godsell ID 204562
Peter Gordon ID 204765
Peter Landmark ID 204366
Peter McNamara ID 204505
Peter Temby ID 205226
Peter Vail ID 205217
Peter Walsh ID 204139
Phil Maher ID 205221
Philip Spark ID 204874
Philippa Cutter ID 205047
Piper Allen ID 205017
Quakers Central Coast ID 205026
Rachael Sorensen ID 205067
Ralph Blenkin ID 205015 redacted
Raymond MC Guinness ID 204509
Rhinda Atkins ID 204597
Rhonda Green ID 204360
Rhonda James ID 204882
Richard Baird ID 204184
Richard Grant ID 205005 redacted
Richard Horniblow ID 204991
Richard Powell ID 204250
Sean Burke ID 204321
Richard Standford ID 204526
Richard Stanford ID 204529
Robert Bertram ID 205128
Robert Charley AO ID 205055
Robert Coenraads ID 204775
Robert Meaton ID 204912
Robyn Juteram ID 204450
Rod McKelvey ID 204791
Roger Sweetman ID 205298
Ronnie Singh ID 204653
Rosie Herberte ID 205196
Rosie White ID 204459
Roslyn Woodward ID 204939
Ross Simmons ID 205058
Ruby Hardie ID 204901
Run For The Forests ID 204923
Ruth OReilly ID 204233
Ryan Claus ID 204203
Ryde Community Alliance ID 205339
Ryde Hunters Hill Flora and Fauna Preservation Society ID 204340
Sally Chapman ID 204746
Sally Townley ID 205177
Samantha Hessey ID 205305
Samir Hussein ID 204679
Samuel Fletcher ID 205303 redacted
Sandra Chrrystall ID 204553
Sandra Coe ID 205209
Sandra Lundbergs ID 204229
Sandra Pertot ID 204368
Sandra Shergill ID 204857
Sarah K ID 204438
Sarah Sutton ID 205056
Save Balickera Incorporated ID 205299
Save Bulga Forest ID 205198 redacted
Save Wallum Inc ID 204482
Scott Mackenzie ID 204635
Scott Melhuish ID 205332
Sean Golledge ID 204889
Sharon Brock ID 205146
Shirley Fitzgerald ID 205004
Silvertop Logging Pty Ltd ID 205021 redacted
Simon Ceglinski ID 205153
Siobhan Housden ID 205087
Sita Parsons ID 205164
Soo Balbi ID 205162
South Coast Timber ID 204992
South East Forest Rescue ID 205116
Sporting Shooters Association of Australia Goulburn Branch ID 204937
Stanley Bolden ID 205069
Stav Zotalis ID 205054
Stephen Coughran ID 204104
Stephen Healy ID 204171
Stephen Milton ID 204398
Stephen Pope ID 205042
Steve Carey ID 204263
Steve Dobbyns ID 205270
Steve Orchard ID 204634
Steve Rodgie ID 204150
Stuart Coppock ID 205326
Sue Bower ID 205022 redacted
Sue McCarthy ID 204957
Sue Robertson ID 204248
Sujata Allan ID 205163
Sunny Willoughby ID 204609
Susan Crowe ID 204674
Susan James ID 205272
Susan Jenvey ID 205232
Susan Mylecharane ID 204944
Susan ONeill ID 205039
Susan Stott ID 204204
Susan Tanner ID 205063
Susie Hearder ID 205059
Susie Russell ID 205235
Sustainable Forest Management ID 205167
Suzanne Walker ID 204736
Svea Pitman ID 205227
Sylvia Cooper ID 204307
Tableland Timbers ID 205285
Tamlyn Magee ID 204799
Tasmin Witkamp ID 204277
Terrence Digwood ID 205135 redacted
The Bellingen Environment Centre ID 205130
The Friends of The Mongarlowe River ID 205183
The Wilderness Society ID 204917 redacted
Theresa Miller ID 204911
Therese Weiss ID 204696
TIG Investments Pty Ltd Trading as Super Forest Plantations ID 205014
Tim Carroll ID 204451
Tim Peach ID 205062
Tim Scrace ID 204885
Timber NSW ID 205304
Tjoan Lie ID 204239
Tom Ferrier ID 205240
Tom Maughan ID 205181
Toni Perry ID 205124
Tony Bartlett ID 204389
Tony Chu ID 204493
Tori Bail ID 204700
Torsten Strokirch ID 205243
Tracy Norris ID 204316
Tyler Brown ID 204980
Uniting Eco Group ID 205188
Valerie Thompson ID 204876 redacted
Valley Watch Inc ID 205105
Vanessa Wright ID 204472
Vanja Ivanovic ID 204444
Vaughan Jenner ID 205073
Vets for Climate Action ID 204869 redacted
Victor Batorijs ID 204179
Victor Ostrowsky ID 204551
Vikki Dobbyns ID 205280
Virgene LinkNew ID 204163
Virginia Cook ID 204468
Virginia Young ID 204996 redacted
Visy Pulp and Paper ID 205132 redacted
Voice of Wallalong and Woodville ID 204244
Voices of Kuringgai ID 204770
Warren Weaver ID 204900
Warren Wood ID 204278
Wendy Dahl ID 204452 redacted
Wendy Parker ID 204877
Wendy Royston ID 204719
Wendy Sinclair ID 205178
Western Murray Land Improvement Group ID 204802
Wilderness Australia ID 204823
Wingham Forest Action ID 205193
Wolfgang Babeck ID 204904
WWF Australia ID 204176
Zoe McInnes ID 205206
Alan Cole ID 203671
Alanna Sherry ID 201572
Alastair Richardson ID 201316
Alba Sky ID 201396
Alice Garrett ID 202534
Alison Crawford ID 201693
Alison Foreman ID 203544
Alison Worthington ID 203786
Amanda Brennan ID 203811
Amber ForrestBisley ID 200888
Andrew Lenart ID 203944
Andrew Rivett ID 202051
Andrew Smith ID 202673
Andrey Godfrey ID 203494
Angel Ioannou ID 201109
Angelika Treichler ID 203425
Angus Douglas ID 202405
Angus Quaid ID 203931
Ann Bartlett ID 201157
Ann Brown ID 200162
Ann Jarman ID 203798
Ann Wood ID 203068
Anne Edwards ID 202939
Anne Quinlivan ID 202529
AnneMarie Briggs ID 200194
Annika Faber ID 203173
Anthea Von Staerck ID 200064
Anthony Parker ID 203378
Anthony Somers ID 203503
Aquafern Pty Ltd ID 202292
Arbuthnot Sawmills Pty Ltd ID 203423
Arron Gerrry ID 203275
Aruna Manandhar ID 201130
Ashley Davis ID 202132
Ashley Love ID na
Australian Academy of Science ID na
Australian Wildlife Society ID 201604
Australian Wildlife Society ID 203849
Australian Workers Union NSW Branch and CFMEU Manufacturing ID 204068
Barbara and Maureen Guthrie and Kingshott ID 203456
Barbara Murphy ID 202337
Barbara Trytko ID 202948
Barbara Winters ID 200188
Barham Roadhouse PTY LTD ID 203225 redacted
Bea Bleile ID 202094
Belinda Somers ID 203844
Belinda Wright ID 202601
Bernard Griffin ID 202846
Beverley Ancuta ID 201464
Bill Avery ID 202402
Birgit Graefner ID 203617
Bob Taffel ID 203283
Brent ONeill ID 203744
Brenton White ID 202520
Brett King ID 201095
Brett Vercoe ID 200059
Brian Byrne ID 202036 redacted
Brian Faithfull ID 203070
Brian Mason ID 203300 redacted
Brian Waldron ID 201234
Brian Wilson ID 202614
Bronwen Evans ID 202935
Bronwen Hughes ID 199998
Bruce Harris ID 202248 redacted
Bruce Wallace ID 203285
Bulahdelah Haulage Pty Ltd ID 203226
Byron Hikers Club Inc ID 203040
Canberra Bushwalking Club ID 203363 redacted
Candace Wirth ID 199987
CANsign Inc ID 202946
Carly Dober ID 203154
Carmel McPhee ID 202385
Caroline Hoisington ID 203602
Caroline Svilla ID 201060
Caroline Svilla ID 202153
Carolyn Sharp ID 201219
Cath Evangelista ID 202904
Catherine Macleod ID 204019
Catherine Turner ID 203076
Charles Lowe ID 199979
Chris Degan ID 203657 redacted
Chris Ross ID 202142
Christians for Peace Newcastle ID 203245
Christina Martin ID 202190
Christine Oberstebrink ID 200724
Christopher Morkel ID 200043
Christopher Wilkie ID 202834
Clare Hawse ID 201726
Coffs Harbour Hardwoods ID 202524
Colin Sagar ID 203043
Colin Tann ID 204031
Conor Weynton ID 203003
Craig Virtue ID 203480
Craig War ID 200442
Cynthia Harris ID 202053
Dale Curtis ID 201064
Dale Curtis ID 202561 redacted
Dan Davies ID 200672
Dan Vickers ID 200636
Daniel Hooper ID 202641
Daniel Howe ID 203071
Daniel McIntyre ID 203917
Daniel Smith ID 203488
Daniele Voinot ID 204003
Dave Rawlins ID 203681
Dave Wood ID 200903
David Booth ID 198443
David Bray ID 202905
David Julian ID 201840
David Lindenmayer ID 202079
David McRae ID 202683
David White ID 203142
David Williams ID 202500
Dean C ID 200011
Deborah Willis ID 202130
Deidre Stuart ID 202993
Delma Parker ID 201650 redacted
Denise Turner ID 203939
Deon Demouche ID 201214
Derek Robertson ID 201079
Derek Robertson ID 201951
Destiny Potts ID 201356
Diana De Vries ID 200008
Diana De Vries ID 202838
Diane Arnold ID 202503
Diane Cluer ID 201633
Diane Larter ID 202545
Diane Roberts ID 202712
Diane Speed ID 202554
Dogan Ozkan ID 202944
Donna Maria Manning ID 203670
Dorothy Moller ID 203344
Dorothy Terry ID 202140
Dorte Planert ID 203084
Dr Ken Wilson ID 200361
Dr Lindsay Sharp ID 200007
Drs Kathy Terry White ID 202967
Dunstone Design Global Pty Ltd ID 203524
Ecocern Pty Ltd ID 202589 redacted
Edward Hills ID 202839 redacted
Elisabeth Dark ID 202182
Elise Landry ID 203932
Elizabeth Elenius ID 203050
Elizabeth Gail Wyatt ID 203074 redacted
Elizabeth Honey ID 200226
Elizabeth Jones ID 200113
Elizabeth Milner ID 203967
Elizabeth Noble ID 203958
Elizabeth Weiss ID 200121
Emily Edwards ID 199995
Emily Edwards ID 203232
Emma Gentle ID 200321
EmmaJean Williams ID 203383 redacted
Enacon Group Pty Ltd ID 202111
Essential Energy ID 203697
Felicity Oneill ID 199971
Fiona Bates ID 201690
Fiona Martin ID 202579
Fiona Martin ID 202605
Fiona Robertson ID 201161
Fiona Sim ID 202970
Fiona Wilde ID 200061
Fiona Wood ID 204055
Frances Alexander ID 203851
Frank Burke ID 201832
Garry Durrant ID 203741
Garth WImbush ID 202863
Gary Reid ID 202432
Gary Russell ID 202494
Gary Verri ID 203667
Geoff Dorn ID 202977
Georgette Allen ID 203652
Georgia Douglas ID 204036 redacted
Georgina Bitar ID 200052
Georgina San Roque ID 201132
Geraldine Brooks ID 200127
Gerard WedderburnBisshop ID 202488
Gillian Reffell ID 199996
Glen Marley ID 198089
Glenda Odgers ID 202734
Glenn Normand ID 201514
Gloucester Environment Group ID 199955
Graeme Batterbury ID 201185
Graeme Cooney ID 202058
Graeme Gibson ID 203890
Graham Hall ID 199992
Graham Kelly ID 202848
Greg Forster ID 200056
Greg Hutchinson ID 204012
Greg Wimble ID 203661 redacted
Gregory Taylor ID 202093
Grit Schuster ID 204040 redacted
Gustav Green ID 203306 redacted
Hank Bower ID 203876
Harry Miller ID 202341
Hazel Richardson ID 201381
Heidi Dokulil ID 201829
Heidi Winney ID 203230
Helen Ampt ID 202668
Helen Kemp ID 202739
Helen Nugent ID 203509
Helen Patricia Hayden ID 203782
Horst Thiele ID 200075
Housing Industry Assocation ID 204049
Hugh Nicholson ID 200144
Hunter Environment Lobby ID 200815
Hyne Timber ID 203985
Ian Alexander ID 203684
Ian Dixon ID 203151
Ian G Bailey ID 203030
Ian Herscovitch ID 203943
Ifeanna Tooth ID 201411
Ilka Nelson ID 203918
India Turner ID 201713
Ingrid Portelli ID 202209
Irene Gorlee ID 202166
Jacinta Ferris ID 203476 redacted
Jacob Wickham ID 203429
Jacquelyn Dixon ID 200443
Jade Peace ID 203880
James Hurley ID 203172
Jamie Parker ID 201997 redacted
Jamie Shaw ID 203766
Jan Lynch ID 203663
Jan Mitchell ID 201253
Jan Ratcliff ID 201117
Jan Roberts ID 202533
Jan Wegner ID 202991
Janet FairlieCuninghame ID 202523
Janet Howe ID 202994
Janet Lindley ID 201134
Janet Thompson ID 203175
Janette Mattey ID 199997
Jason Bruessow ID 203504
Jason John ID 200954
Jason Karlsson ID 200124
Jayden Rivera ID 199985
Jeanette Hammett ID 202519
Jemma Meecham ID 203111
Jennifer Cuthbertson ID 200906
Jennifer Ditton ID 202953
Jennifer Gorringe ID 203919
Jennifer Gray ID 203261
Jennifer Kenna ID 201210
Jennifer Watson ID 203108
Jeremy Forkgen ID 201046
Jess Bowman ID 202451
Jesse Witney ID 203632
Jill Everett ID 203407
JIll Green ID 203938
Jill Stephenson ID 200203
Jimmy Thomas ID 203237 redacted
Joan Staples ID 203860
Joanne Foster ID 201030
Jodie Millsom ID 203725
Jodie Nancarrow ID 202231
Joe Mithiran ID 200842
Joe Sparks ID 203461 redacted
John Daniel ID 201077
John Dyer ID 203089
John Edye ID 203207
John F Bennett ID 201878
John Gunst ID 198172
John Gunst ID 203490
John Harris ID 201267
John MacgregorSkinner ID 203500
John ODonnell ID 203198
John PBrowne Pty Ltd ID 203726
John Pettit ID 202816
John Philpott ID 200037
John Philpott ID 202819
John Plumbe ID 203422
John Reay ID 201274
John Samuel ID 203290
Jonathan Cassell ID 203472
Jonathan Temple ID 202684
Jonathan Wilkinson ID 204037
Joseph Fernandez ID 202999
Joseph Kielniacz ID 201196
Josephine Velte ID 201352
Joshua Brind ID 202525
Joshua Jennings ID 200128
Josie Doolan ID 202992
Judith Christie ID 202392
Judith Leslie ID 200198
Judy Grasby ID 202956
Judy Lambert ID 203288 redacted
Judy Unger ID 201960
Julian Coxall ID 202149
Julie Reid ID 202436
Julie Smith ID 200015
Justine Dodd ID 202127
Justine Thomas ID 203101
Kai Jensen ID 202063 redacted
Karen Joynes ID 204008
Karen OClery ID 201033
Katelyn Bates ID 202206
Katelyn Vlahos ID 201351
Kathleen MazeNeeley ID 203028
Kathryn Hines ID 202913
Kathryn Reid ID 200264
Katie Rasigatale ID 203432
Katrina Mullen ID 201406
Katrina Stomann ID 203474
Kay de Ridder ID 203054
Keelah Lam ID 202654
Keri James ID 201246
Kerrie Humphreys ID 201380
Kim Lawson ID 200891
Kim Zegenhagen ID 200143
Kirsty Parker ID 203049
Klaus Halder ID 201987
Koppers Wood Product ID 200166 redacted
Kris Stewart ID 201992
Kristyn Glanville ID 202198
Kuringgai Bat Conservation Society Inc ID 203968
Kym Hayter ID 203557
Lani Imhof ID 200976
Lawrence McCane ID 201067
Leann Hobbs ID 202509
LeeAnn Pollock ID 201468
Leif Lemke ID 202969
Les Johnston ID 200078
Les Mitchell ID 202174
Liam Jackson ID 203345
Libby Hepburn ID 201073
Linda Groom ID 201538
Linda Sford ID 202690
Lindsay Darrah ID 203550
Lisa Forward ID 204032
Lisa Keddie ID 203248
Lisa Sawtell ID 202679
Liz Thornton ID 199986
Liza McGuigan ID 201024
Lola Davidson ID 203454
Louise FowlerSmith ID 202443
Louise Taylor ID 201031
Louise Webb ID 202837
Lubex Global ID 203435 redacted
Lynden Macgregor ID 203649
Lynn Benn ID 203998
Mady Saunders ID 200881
Mal Fisher ID 202670
Marc Kiho ID 201371
Marcus McSweeny ID 201271
Margaret Vaccari ID 202285
Margot Allatt ID 200596
Marie Black ID 202726
Marie Rogers ID 203047
Marina Grassecker ID 201177
Marion Giles ID 202747
Mark Bridges ID 203389
Mark Evans ID 202180
Mark Palmer ID 203937
Mark ShieldsBrown ID 202958
Mark Winter ID 199658
Martin Batty ID 199015
Martin Bes ID 202542
Martine Holberton ID 201384
Martine Holberton ID 202982
Mary Fox ID 200213
Mary Howard ID 200250
Mary Jayne Johnston ID 200101
Mathias RogalaKoczorowski ID 201266
Matthew Bates ID 202205
Matthew Dyer ID 202351
Matthew Hasemore ID 202807
Matthew Jones ID 201347
Matthew Pye ID 202194
McKinnells Pty Ltd ID 203833
Meg Bishop ID 203893
Mel Crane ID 202745
Melina Mura ID 200417
Mette Kragh ID 202425
Mia Bench ID 202675
Michael Bayles ID 199984
Michael Bull ID 202078 redacted
Michael Doyle ID 201144
Michael Edwards ID 203314
Michael Harewood ID 203126
Michael Jones ID 200686
Michael Mulholland ID 203635
Michael Murphy ID 202612
Michael Roze ID 200112
Michael Sargent ID 202750
Michael Streatfeild ID 202644 Redacted
Michelle Imison ID 203953
Michelle Versluys ID 202274
Mike Callanan ID 201900
Mina Bui Jones ID 202980
Miranda Mills ID 202163
Mitchell Trueman ID 203195
Monika Doepgen ID 202974
N Tyson ID 203004
Nambucca Valley Conservation Association Inc NSW ID 202762
Name redacted ID 198087
Name redacted ID 199708
Name redacted ID 199972
Name redacted ID 199977
Name redacted ID 199981
Name redacted ID 199989
Name redacted ID 200002
Name redacted ID 200024
Name redacted ID 200036
Name redacted ID 200044
Name redacted ID 200045
Name redacted ID 200046
Name redacted ID 200058
Name redacted ID 200062
Name redacted ID 200070
Name redacted ID 200071
Name redacted ID 200103
Name redacted ID 200120
Name redacted ID 200134
Name redacted ID 200137
Name redacted ID 200138
Name redacted ID 200139
Name redacted ID 200169
Name redacted ID 200182
Name redacted ID 200216
Name redacted ID 200316
Name redacted ID 200332
Name redacted ID 200345
Name redacted ID 200349
Name redacted ID 200364
Name redacted ID 200393
Name redacted ID 200404
Name redacted ID 200410
Name redacted ID 200588
Name redacted ID 200627
Name redacted ID 200771
Name redacted ID 200828
Name redacted ID 200837
Name redacted ID 200871
Name redacted ID 200898
Name redacted ID 200913
Name redacted ID 201011
Name redacted ID 201016
Name redacted ID 201074
Name redacted ID 201097
Name redacted ID 201098
Name redacted ID 201124
Name redacted ID 201150
Name redacted ID 201153
Name redacted ID 201175
Name redacted ID 201182
Name redacted ID 201225
Name redacted ID 201247
Name redacted ID 201250
Name redacted ID 201292
Name redacted ID 201302
Name redacted ID 201331
Name redacted ID 201340
Name redacted ID 201361
Name redacted ID 201367
Name redacted ID 201398
Name redacted ID 201418
Name redacted ID 201515
Name redacted ID 201613
Name redacted ID 201618
Name redacted ID 201730
Name redacted ID 201733
Name redacted ID 201734
Name redacted ID 201854
Name redacted ID 201943
Name redacted ID 201979
Name redacted ID 201983
Name redacted ID 202015
Name redacted ID 202077
Name redacted ID 202091
Name redacted ID 202113
Name redacted ID 202116
Name redacted ID 202122
Name redacted ID 202158
Name redacted ID 202169
Name redacted ID 202184
Name redacted ID 202188
Name redacted ID 202192
Name redacted ID 202202
Name redacted ID 202208
Name redacted ID 202212
Name redacted ID 202240
Name redacted ID 202241
Name redacted ID 202253
Name redacted ID 202254
Name redacted ID 202289
Name redacted ID 202291
Name redacted ID 202309
Name redacted ID 202312
Name redacted ID 202357
Name redacted ID 202419
Name redacted ID 202423
Name redacted ID 202464
Name redacted ID 202472
Name redacted ID 202475
Name redacted ID 202492
Name redacted ID 202506
Name redacted ID 202510
Name redacted ID 202513
Name redacted ID 202514
Name redacted ID 202527
Name redacted ID 202547
Name redacted ID 202557
Name redacted ID 202566
Name redacted ID 202580
Name redacted ID 202581
Name redacted ID 202588
Name redacted ID 202593
Name redacted ID 202603
Name redacted ID 202611
Name redacted ID 202615
Name redacted ID 202623
Name redacted ID 202631
Name redacted ID 202632
Name redacted ID 202634
Name redacted ID 202637
Name redacted ID 202645
Name redacted ID 202662
Name redacted ID 202676
Name redacted ID 202738
Name redacted ID 202746
Name redacted ID 202755
Name redacted ID 202759
Name redacted ID 202760
Name redacted ID 202766
Name redacted ID 202781
Name redacted ID 202789
Name redacted ID 202809
Name redacted ID 202814
Name redacted ID 202844
Name redacted ID 202851
Name redacted ID 202890
Name redacted ID 202894
Name redacted ID 202898
Name redacted ID 202933
Name redacted ID 202936
Name redacted ID 202954
Name redacted ID 202981
Name redacted ID 202985
Name redacted ID 202989
Name redacted ID 203001
Name redacted ID 203005
Name redacted ID 203008
Name redacted ID 203027
Name redacted ID 203031
Name redacted ID 203041
Name redacted ID 203045
Name redacted ID 203055
Name redacted ID 203063
Name redacted ID 203085
Name redacted ID 203105
Name redacted ID 203119
Name redacted ID 203120
Name redacted ID 203177
Name redacted ID 203186
Name redacted ID 203193
Name redacted ID 203203
Name redacted ID 203227
Name redacted ID 203255
Name redacted ID 203270
Name redacted ID 203271
Name redacted ID 203272 redacted
Name redacted ID 203295
Name redacted ID 203299
Name redacted ID 203305
Name redacted ID 203308
Name redacted ID 203323
Name redacted ID 203327
Name redacted ID 203338
Name redacted ID 203358
Name redacted ID 203370
Name redacted ID 203412
Name redacted ID 203464
Name redacted ID 203516
Name redacted ID 203525
Name redacted ID 203529
Name redacted ID 203549
Name redacted ID 203551
Name redacted ID 203552
Name redacted ID 203558
Name redacted ID 203562
Name redacted ID 203585
Name redacted ID 203595
Name redacted ID 203596
Name redacted ID 203604
Name redacted ID 203605
Name redacted ID 203619
Name redacted ID 203629
Name redacted ID 203645
Name redacted ID 203665
Name redacted ID 203668
Name redacted ID 203675
Name redacted ID 203680
Name redacted ID 203692
Name redacted ID 203709
Name redacted ID 203731
Name redacted ID 203771
Name redacted ID 203777
Name redacted ID 203793
Name redacted ID 203796
Name redacted ID 203810
Name redacted ID 203832
Name redacted ID 203836
Name redacted ID 203845
Name redacted ID 203879 Redacted
Name redacted ID 203897
Name redacted ID 203911
Name redacted ID 203920
Name redacted ID 203981
Name redacted ID 204007
Name redacted ID 204015
Name redacted ID 204025
Name redacted ID 204029
Name redacted ID 204038
Name redacted ID 204047
Name redacted ID 204051
Name redacted ID 204058
Name redacted ID 204067
Name redacted ID 204082
Nathan Wales ID 201143
Nawal Maharaj ID 202870
Neil Brown ID 200140
Neil St Leon ID 202861
Neil Warren ID 203745
Neville Holyoake ID 203975
Newells Creek Sawmilling Co ID 203364
Nick Tyson ID 200890
Nicola Tomlin ID 203847
Nicolas Casagrande ID 203566
Nicole Read ID 204028
Noah Roper ID 202647
Northern Beaches Childrens Therapies ID 202207
Oberon Council ID 204010
Olimpia Marina ID 201061
Oscar Oliver ID 204048
P T Lonergan Pty Ltd ID 203624
Pamela Reeves ID 204062
Parks and Leisure Australia NSW ACT ID 204024
Patrick Li ID 200873
Paul Harris ID 201299
Paul Osborn ID 203517
Paul Schimmel ID 202576
Paula Boer ID 202812
Paula Flack ID 203598
Peni Opitz ID 201404
Peter Kanowski ID 203926
Peter Maslen ID 203296
Peter Whyte ID 202709
Peter Wing ID 202965
Philip West ID 203986
Phillip Rattenbury ID 203983
Phoebe Torzillo ID 202263
Pippa Haughton ID 204050
Porteous Haulage Pty Ltd ID 204084
Potoroo Palace Native Animal Education Sanctuary ID 203627
Quentin Dresser ID 200700
Rachel Foster ID 203560
Rachel Gregg ID 201081
Rachelle Sandow ID 202320
Randel Revilla ID 200022
Rebecca McLean ID 203044
Rebecca Reynolds ID 201083
Rebecca Reynolds ID 203161
REEF Research Foundation ID 203865
Richard Barcham ID 202594
Richard Miller ID 202704 Redacted
Richard Stanford ID 200178
Richard Stanford ID 201068
Rino DeGuisti ID 203268
Rob Heathcote ID 203035
Rob Herbert ID 202962
Rob Lloyd ID 203895
Rob Thomas ID 202582
Robert Baker ID 203293
Robert Barrel ID 203977
Robert Boakes ID 200211
Robert Drury ID 203533
Robert Grasby ID 202900
Robert Greenwood ID 202115
Robert McLaughlin ID 203056
Robert Parkinson ID 202811
Robyn Camozzato ID 201233
Roger Graham ID 202315
Roger Thomson ID 203742
Rogger Correa ID 203160
Rohan Rosberg ID 203247
Roman Suwald ID 201166
Ronnie Kroon ID 203132
Rosa Fatone ID 203892
Rosalie Goldsmith ID 203584
Rosalind Vaughan ID 203135
Rosslyn Rix ID 200148
Roza Khamitova ID 202813
Rubin Butcher ID 202119
Rupert Macgregor ID 203643
Russell DessaixChin ID 200205
Ruth Balint ID 200831
Ruth OReilly ID 202832
Salim El Jamal ID 203149
Sally Brenton ID 203179
Sally Hook ID 200911
Sally Wilson ID 201342 redacted
Sam Johnson ID 201868
Sam Thorman ID 202687
Sandra Lubrano ID 202840
Sarah Brennan ID 200770
Sarah Buchanan ID 203536
Sarah Neal ID 202764
Sascha De Keyzer ID 202220
Saskia Kouwenberg ID 203626
Saul Dalton ID 203355
Save Bulga Forest ID 203103
Scott Hawkes ID 203096
Sebastian Bachler ID 204074
Selmar Nebelung ID 202491
Sharon Coutts ID 202210
Sharon Peterson ID 199963
Sharyn Munro ID 201836
Shaun Stephens ID 203433
Shire Climate Action Network Sutherland Shire ID 202559
Simon Chate ID 203024
Simone OBrien ID 203109
South East Region Conservation Alliance ID 203427
Southcoast Health and Sustainability Alliance ID 203036
Stephanie Chew ID 201560
Stephen Black ID 202926
Stephen Luke ID 203854
Stephen Morris ID 202535
Steve Campbell ID 203282
Steve Dobbyns ID 203898
Steven Du ID 202888
Su Johnson ID 202856
Sue Preston ID 202213
SueEllan Johns ID 203291
Susan Brown ID 202868
Susan Huddleston ID 203748
Susan Inglis ID 203442
Susan Strodl ID 200051
Susanne Gardiner ID 203760
Suzanne Page ID 202978
Suzette Kelson ID 203468
Sydney Basin Koala Network ID 204018 redacted
Sydney Knitting Nannas and Friends ID 204026
Sylvia Cooper ID 202656
Sylvie Constantine ID 202871
Tammy Small ID 202375
Tamworth Namoi Branch National Parks Assciation of NSW ID 202607
Tania Stalley ID 202803
Tanya King ID 203100
Tara Price ID 202223
Taska Rigby ID 200074
Tayla Williams ID 203384 redacted
Ted Howard ID 200033
Ted Hume ID 201657
Terence Buttsworth ID 201159
Teresa Carrad ID 203901
The Carbon Store Pty Ltd ID 204057
The Pentarch Group ID 203999
Thomas Driftwood ID 204061
Tim Bidder ID 201190
Tim Luckett ID 203934
Tim Thorncraft ID 203789
Timothy Cadman ID 203134
Timothy Carroll ID 201119
Tobias Dalgeish Parker ID 202932
Todd Gelletly ID 203780 redacted
Tom Gledhill ID 203033
Toni Karlsson ID 200087
Tracey Hamilton ID 202028
Tracey White ID 203506
Traci Genders ID 200083
Tracy Brennan ID 203492 redacted
Trevor Parsons ID 200811
Tyler Follett ID 203408
Ursula Barnard ID 203561
Valerie Sifflet ID 202686
Vanessa Cullen ID 202084
Vanessa Fraser ID 200039
Vicki Sloane ID 203540 redacted
Vicku Baldock ID 201332
Vincent Phillips ID 198524
Virginia White ID 203350
Warwick Pearse ID 201624
Weathertex Pty Ltd ID 203475
Wesley Clifford ID 203747
William Douglas ID 202543
William Jarman ID 203651
Yvonne Lollback ID 201207
Zena Carter ID 203140
Zoe Butler ID 203597
Zoe Legge ID 202300
Zoe Legge ID 203819
Zsuzsa Millei ID 200013
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