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Glanmire Solar Farm Approved Subject To Strict Conditions And Increased Setbacks

Glanmire Solar Farm Approved Subject To Strict Conditions And Increased Setbacks

Posted: 30.01.2024

The NSW Independent Planning Commission has today approved, with strict conditions, a new $152 million solar farm located approximately 7 kilometres east of Bathurst, adjacent to the Great Western Highway. The Glanmire Solar Farm (SSD-21208499) is a state significant development comprising a 60-megawatt (MW) solar farm and a 60 MW / 120 MW-hour battery.

The Department of Planning and Environment completed a whole-of-government assessment of the Glanmire Solar Farm in November 2023. The Commission was the consent authority for this solar farm because at least 50 people objected to the proposed development. The three-member Commission Panel, comprising Sheridan Coakes (Chair), Richard Pearson and Chris Wilson, met with key stakeholders, conducted a site inspection and locality tour, held a public meeting and received 55 written submissions from the community.

The Panel has today, 30 January 2024, determined to grant development consent to the project, subject to strict conditions.

In its Statement of Reasons, the Commission found that the proposed site is “suitable for renewable energy development, given its topography, solar resources, avoidance of major environmental constraints, access to the regional road network, and its proximity to existing and planned electricity transmission networks.”

The Commission acknowledged concerns raised by some members of the community and imposed strict conditions of consent to mitigate a number of the issues raised. These conditions require the Applicant to revise the layout plan to increase minimum setbacks to 30 metres from the western and eastern boundaries of the site. The conditions also require a robust vegetation buffer and the maintenance of the site’s agricultural land capability to maximise current and future opportunities for dual land use. The Applicant must engage appropriately with the local council and community during construction and operation and completely rehabilitate the site at the end of the project. These and other conditions of consent are designed to:
• prevent, minimise and/or offset adverse environmental impacts;
• set standards and performance measures for acceptable environmental performance;
• require regular monitoring and reporting; and
• provide for the on-going environmental management of the development.

All the documents relating to the assessment and determination of this proposal can be found on the Commission’s website.

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