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Quarterly Report

IPC Case Processing Times September 2021

Posted: 12.11.2021

The Minister for Planning and Public Spaces’ Statement of Expectations for the Independent Planning Commission identifies key performance indicators (KPIs) to ensure the ongoing timeliness and quality of its decisions. The Commission is required to monitor and report on its KPIs in its annual report and quarterly on the Commission’s website for state significant determinations.

Timeframes for decision-making

The Commission is expected to meet the following timeframes:

Performance against these KPIs is to be reported as a 12 month rolling average, with timeframes to be calculated from the date of the provision of the Assessment Report by the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (the Department) to the date of determination by the Commission, excluding any time where the Commission has requested further information from the Department or the Applicant.

Case processing times – quarterly results

As at 30 September 2021, the Commission is beating its timeframe KPIs for all case types:

In line with the Minister’s Statement of Expectations, when calculating the Commission’s performance against relevant timeframe KPIs, any time where the Commission has requested further information from the Department or the Applicant is excluded from its case processing times.

Graphs 1 and 2 below show the Commission’s performance against the KPI timeframes for 1 October 2020 – 30 September 2021. Graph 2 also shows the Commission’s total average case processing time (without information request exclusions factored in).



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