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Make a submission

What should I include in my submission?

The Independent Planning Commission is most assisted by submissions that are relevant and specific to the proposed development and relate to the list of matters that the Commission can consider. Such submissions may:

  • clearly describe the individual or cumulative impacts of the proposed development
  • quantify impacts or provide other relevant information or evidence 
  • provide new or unique information or new views on the issues
  • respond to the DPHI Assessment Report and recommended Conditions of Consent, including whether the assessment of impacts and the recommended conditions adequately address the issues that the community have previously identified
  • propose further conditions that could be imposed to address issues if consent is granted to the proposed development, or
  • provide a view on the applicable policies and planning instruments that apply to the land.

Any submissions that contain inappropriate language or make defamatory or potentially defamatory allegations may be redacted, not published, or referred to the appropriate authorities.

Please refer to our Public Submission Guidelines when preparing your submission to the Commission.

How to make a submission 

Entering your submission as text in the make a submission online form is the Commission’s preferred method of receiving written submissions.

Please use this online form to make your submission. When making a submission this way, if necessary you can also upload attachments in various file formats, including MS Word, .jpeg or .pdf. 

The Commission also accepts submissions made in other formats, including audio and video recordings uploaded in .avi, .mov, .mp3, .mp4, .mpeg and .wmv file formats. 

Those who experience any issues using the online form can submit their submission by email or post. 

Verbal submissions can be made at public hearings or meetings directly to the Commission panel. Public hearings and meetings are recorded with transcripts published on our website. 

When to make a submission

Public submissions on cases before the Commission will open as soon as reasonably practicable after DPHI's assessment report is received. Submissions will typically close seven (7) days after the last scheduled day of the public hearing or meeting. The closing date for submissions will be published on the case page on the Commission's website.   

The Commission may choose to re-open written submissions on additional new information received after the close of the public submission period. Those who have previously provided a submission to the Commission on the proposed development will be notified that submissions have been re-opened, typically for a period up to seven days, and a statement to that effect will also be placed on our website.

Publication of submissions

In line with the Commission’s Transparency Policy, written and verbal submissions provided to the Commission are considered public documents and are published on our website. 

Only in exceptional circumstances will the Commission consider accepting wholly or partially confidential submissions -- i.e. submissions that are not made public available.

The make a submission form also collects general information that helps the Commission to process your submission, including whether you are making a submission on behalf of an organisation or in another capacity, whether you support, object or are simply commenting on the proposed development, and to capture key issues that you are concerned about. 

The Commission's Privacy Statement explains how we obtain and use your personal information. 




Make a Submission

We recognise the importance of community participation in our decision-making process. Using our ‘Make a submission’ form is the easiest way for you to make a submission on cases currently before the Commission.

Make a Submission